Installation on a Wide Well

Wide Well Final

Installation of the Simple Pump on a Wide Well


While Simple Pump™ is usually installed on top of the casing of a drilled well using our own custom manufactured well cap, it can also be installed in a wide or dug well. A common example is a 3-foot wide well with a concrete liner and a concrete lid.

A hole would be drilled in the lid to accommodate the Simple Pump™ stand, then our mounting plate (top) or adapter (bottom) would be secured to the well lid with suitable bolts.

The mounting plate is used when the Simple Pump installation does not have to accommodate a submersible’s discharge pipe and wiring. The well cap on the adapter has a port for a submersible’s pipe and its wiring.

    Then, our well cap is attached and the pump installed, as it would be on any well casing.
The height of the Simple Pump can be adjusted about 2 feet up or down so the hand lever can be positioned for comfortable pumping. For well casing lids/rims lower than usual (for example, at the level of the ground or a foot under ground in a mini-pit) our double-height riser tube can be used to provide a comfortable pumping height.

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