Client Testimonials and Stories

Conversations - Final

We received permission to pass on many writer’s stories here to show how easy Simple Pump is to use and how reliable it is, even in demanding use. To protect privacy, names are not given.

A NOTE ABOUT SELF-INSTALLATION: Several of these stories discuss how incredibly easy the installation was. This runs true for many clients. However, some installations are better done by a professional while others REQUIRE a professional. We can discuss all your options and advise you on the best path forward.

What it’s like to install and use a Simple Pump

My driller couldn’t keep his hands off my pump

60 Years Old

Off The Grid

Living Simply

Never Again!

Why I Bought A Simple Pump

Compared to Bison 1

Compared to Bison 2

If it was any easier to install, it would install itself!

No other possible pump for our water level

We had thought such a pump was not available

Installation story with video

Saved us at least a week of motel costs

I love my Simple Pump

Accessible to Clients

Self-Installed in 1.5 Hours

Firefighter installs at home

Got Drinking Water?

Hermit Pad

In Africa


If I Can Do It…

Looking After the Family

Secure in Tennessee

New Mexico

Prepared in Ohio

Great Product; Great Service

Sense of Security

Some Comments on Service

Check off one more item on my self reliance to-do list

Northern Illinois

Preparing in Oregon

Replacing a Submersible

Cajun Backup Plan

Ready for Power Outages

Home-made rig

Near Tacoma

Alberta, Canada

With Pitless Adaptor

Just Being Practical

Some Short Testimonials

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