Explanation of pumping depth and installation depth.
Because of Simple Pump’s lever arm design, high quality materials and superior CNC manufacture, the average person can comfortably pump water from deep wells. With the Simple Pump “deep” is 325 feet static water level. This depth assumes the common Simple Pump configuration of hand-pumping water up to ground level and at ambient pressure (e.g., into a bucket). This is much further down than any of our competitors.
The maximum depth for a particular well is determined by the combination of several factors, including whether you are attempting to pump water into a pressurized plumbing system and whether you are using manual labor or our DC Motor Extension to power the pump. When using the Motor Extension, the maximum supported depth also depends on the capacity of the pump cylinder used and the voltage at which it is run. We will also advise you on these parameters when you submit your request for a quote.
To explain some of these interlocking limits, we need to explain the concept of “TOTAL HEAD”.
“Total Head” equals:
Distance in feet from ground level down to your well water, i.e. the static water level
PLUS number of feet vertical rise from your ground-level pump head to the destination
PLUS 100 feet added proxy equivalent for pumping into pressure
Then in consideration for either of these:
When it is a hand-operated pump: Maximum Total Head is 325 feet
When using our DC motorized pump: Maximum Total Head is 225 feet
You can divide that maximum total head/height up any way you want.
For example, you can hand-pump from a 325 foot static water level.
Or you can hand pump from 175 feet static water level plus pump uphill for 50 feet vertical rise (five stories) plus into household plumbing (100 feet proxy equivalent to pressure) for a total head of 325 feet.
Or various other combinations of static water level, vertical rise and pressure, just as long as the total of these three factors is less than 325 feet.
Volume and Effort
Water pumping rates from the Simple Pump vary directly with the frequency and length of strokes of the lever arm. During normal operation, Simple Pump delivers up to 5 gallons per minute. Pumping water from normal depths is actually quite easy. The actual force required is dependent on the static water level and not the total length of drop pipe assembly used.
For a common installation such as a well with a 100-foot static water level, it takes about 12 pounds of downward force using our 24” lever arm. A child can easily handle this amount of force. Even with a static water level of 325 feet, the downward force required is approximately 16 pounds using our 36” lever arm. Women and children will be able to use the Simple Pump.
Table of details on depth maximums, flow rate and force required to pump.