The Cost to Add Solar

Solar Panel Blue - Final

Think Simple Pump™ plus DC Motor plus Control Systems and Solar Power Unit

Well casing with mounted motorized pump. Solar panel on stand showing battery box and cables.

Start with the Base Pump, your Simple Pump hand-operated pump

When considering an integrated pumping system, it helps to break it down into its sub-assembly parts. The basic Simple Pump (SP) hand pump is already an cost effective buy, priced considerably less than any other comparably made metal hand pump.

The Simple Pump™ is able to pump from MUCH further down than other hand pump while requiring less than half the physical effort those other hand pumps need. It is the most efficient hand pump on the market, making it capable of pumping water into your home’s pressure tank even from deep wells.

No other pump comes close to matching what the Simple Pump offers you in quality, value and efficiency for your precious dollar.

And when you consider the solar pump system, the savings become even greater.

Let’s look at some approximate prices for a fairly typical system.

Typical Simple Pump™ hand pump with shipping
Add the solar motor unit, a controller, timer, solar panel and stand
+ $3,800
Total cost to purchase the system is……
Subtract the Federal tax credit of 30%
The effective final cost to you after the Federal tax credit (there also may be state tax credits available)

So….after your Federal tax credit (there may also be substantial state tax credits depending upon where you live) you get the full solar pump system for only about $1800 more than the cost of the base hand pump!

Details of the Simple Pump Solar Pump System
Recommended Configuration for Motor use.
Photos of a solar installation.


Whether you are considering a hand pump, motor or the solar pump system, just send us your specs through our Get-A-Quote form. We’ll send you a detailed quote, usually within one or two business days.

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